Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Drianna Sequences Newsletter



Using the Vocal transformer of my music program, I created the following three new bands last year: Soarmore, Adventrance, and tech Visor. Click here to hear their content:







Tech Visor




 Just finished updating the remix instrumental version of my album: "Reversals: Vibrant factors." Was able to give it its own unique feel and add grittier elements to it. 

Now I am working on the "Reversals: Intricate Venture" album for the first time for the remainder of this season. There are already a few instrumentals up for that album. 

To hear both of the albums mentioned above, Search "The Drianna Sequences" on Bandcamp.com.

As far as the songs with vocals go, more raw draft songs with vocals should be created this spring. I have been increasing lyric creation for all of the unfinished incremental sequence songs so hopefully, if all goes right, new raw drafts will be available to listen to and purchase. 

As far as visual arts goes, I have also released several raw draft art pieces. Each one is the Visual art of each Incremental Sequence song. All of these pieces will be improved upon over time; many of them are at phase one level. Some of the art, featured in these pieces, many of you can recognize from The Drianna Sequences Instagram page. To see that art  continued and expanded upon regularly, search the Drianna Sequences on Imagekind.com and click the "Incremental Sequence" gallery.

Collect all of the phases of this body of work, musical and visual art related, to support The Drianna Sequences. Every purchase you make supports an underdog artist with little to no funding at the moment. The more you contribute the better chance the art has of improving down the line. 

To stay up to date on all Drianna Sequences Creations and news, follow The Drianna Sequences page on Facebook.

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